Friday, October 29, 2010

Whats Brewing? October 2010 # 2

Now that I have Septembers' recipe posted, I can move on to the curent brewed batch. The current brew is called, Autumn Amber Ale. This one has a nice blend of roasted (light, medium, and chocolate barley). It is currently in secondary fermentation stage and has a really nice smell to it in the red/brown color. Stay tuned to the review.

Whats Brewing? October 2010

I apologize for missing my September posting. The Septmber brew was called Hoeny Bee Ale, from Midwest Supplies. This is a new style of specialty brew that has already been bottled and sampled (October 27, 2010). It contains 3.3 lbs of gold malt extract and a whopping 3 lbs of fresh honey.

The verdict, its a light ale with a pleasant honey aroma and aftertaste. Its, a little bit weak on the hop flavor, so my overall opinion is that it need a bit more hopping to round off the flavors better.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kosher Yeasts

The following yeasts have reliable kosher certifications. I have the certifying agency forms on file if you would like to see them.

Muntons: Certified by Rabbi Frankforter from Paris
Fermentis/LeSaffre: All certified kosher.

Be careful that while there are many varieties from both Muntons and Fermentis one of the biggest homebrew yeast manufacturers is Wyeast, which is NOT kosher.

Happy brewing.

Monday, August 30, 2010

July's Brew

July's brewpot contained an nice and hearty Irish Red Beer. What a nice blend of complex flavors this recipe turned out to have. A blend of caramel, chocolate and toasted malts together with some good quality hops made this a nice dark beer. If you get a chance give it a try with supplies from Midwest Brewing Supply.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

May 2010

So far to date i have brewed American Light Ale (February 2010), Pilsner 100% malt (April 2010).

This months special brew is a Belgian Wheat Beer recipe provided by Charlie Papazian's book, Complete Guide to Homebrewing. It uses a wheat and barley malt extract (65% Wheat and 35% barley malt) made by Breiss Malts, in addition I added some coriander and orange beer to give it the classic belgian witbier character.

It fermented for a bit more than a week and has been bottled and sampled. The flavor is fairly mellow and rather tasty. It is similar to store bought Blue Moon but with the homebrewed twist. I will be making this one again, perhaps with more orange peel and crushed corriander instead of whole.

Kosher Home Brew at its best

Welcome to my Kosher Homebrewed beer blog. I recently started making some of the best quality home brewed beer I have ever tried. Even the most basic homebrew blows the commercially brewed filtered sissy stuff away. I have done some extensive research into finding some good options and varieties of both kosher beer making ingredients as well as some specialty yeasts all under reliable kosher supervision. Details will be posted on this site soon.