Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kosher Yeasts

The following yeasts have reliable kosher certifications. I have the certifying agency forms on file if you would like to see them.

Muntons: Certified by Rabbi Frankforter from Paris
Fermentis/LeSaffre: All certified kosher.

Be careful that while there are many varieties from both Muntons and Fermentis one of the biggest homebrew yeast manufacturers is Wyeast, which is NOT kosher.

Happy brewing.


  1. You noted about that Muntons and Fermentis are kosher. The kosher cert I have from Muntons doesn't list any Yeasts - only Malt extracts, etc.. Also, I've been trying to find out which kosher agency certifies Fermetis. Do you know? I have found that the Danstar Nottingham and Munich yeasts are kosher as well....

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  3. I am a little confused about the whole Kashrus on beer ingredients situation. As far as the CRC and OU are concerned all domestic and imported unflavored beers do not require a hechsher because the ingredients are standard and do not vary therefore do not require certification. If this is the case why would yeast, malt, sugar, hops or anything else require a hechsher?

  4. Sorry for the delay in my reply. Commercially brewed beer for the most part is fine as you noted (non flavored, etc). The reason for my posting of kosher yeast is essentially for the homebrewer. Or perhaps the art of homebrewing.

    I recently got in touch with Danstar Nottingham as you listed and found out they are also kosher certified, but only in the 500g packages. The ingredients in the single use 11g pouches are the same but they are not included in the certifications from "Rabbi M. Seckbach". The certification he gives is on the Lallemand (many varities) and Danstar Nottingham and Windsor labelled yeasts.

    The Muntons yeasts are under R' Frankforter from Paris.

    Fermentis is under supervision, but they never sent me a copy of the hashgacha itself. I will contact them again to see if they have an updated copy.

    Happy brewing.

  5. Which Wine Yeast is Kosher for Passover?

  6. hi,
    im looking for kosher for passover wine yeast. if anyone has any info about it, please let me know.
    I would greatly appreciateit. my email is lapiduseli@gmail.com.
    Thank you!!hi,

  7. Replies
    1. I was searching for lactose too, but it needs to be cholov yisroel if you are makpid. One day I will get some from a kosher Israeli company.

  8. I personally have never used lactose for my brews. I am sure that a kosher lactose exists, but i am not sure exactly which ones. Perhaps if you contacted the supplier and ask which manufacturer they come from. You can work it backwards and see if its kosher certified. That was kind of how I investigated the yeasts. Best of luck. Please let me know of your findings.

  9. do you know if white labs yeast is kosher?

    thank you.

  10. This is a copy of the certification for White Labs liquid yeasts. This version shows that it is valid until 6/30/14, so you may want to email the mashgiach for an updated version. If you do get a copy please send to me as well so I can post it on the blog.

  11. Thank you, I emailed the Rabbi. I have one more I was wondering about. Do you know anything about safeale?

  12. sorry didn't realize it was the fermentis company. thanks.

  13. will be glad to receive the files at yochaimaytal@gmail.com
    thanks a lot!

  14. I emailed wyeast and they sent me a copy of their kosher certification from the ou. many of their yeasts do in fact have kosher certification

    1. That's great news. Please forward on to me and I'll post it here in the blog as well.
      Thank you.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  17. Any idea if cider yeast needs certification?

    1. I would think that cider yeast would be in the same category as beer yeast. So if you hold that beer yeast needs certification (as we are) then the same would apply to cider. See If you can find out the manufacturer of the cider yeast. My guess would be that it's made by the same companies as beer/wine yeast, and might even be on their LOC along with the brewers yeasts.

    2. fermentis has a kosher cider yeast but also red star wine yeast which is much cheaper will work just fine. This is what I use for my cider. The most I have seen red star go for is $1 a packet

  18. I am interested in doing some kettle sour ales. There are a lot of brewers who have reported positive results using goodbelly probiotics. The problem is these are oud. What are some other probiotics that kosher brewers have succesfully used that are pareve?

    1. I've honestly never tried to brew sours, and I haven't really done the research. Feel free to update the blog if you find anything out.

  19. This is the most up to date LOC that I was able to find online for Lalvin, Lallemand, etc. I will email Rac Seckbach as well to see if there is a more up to date version.

  20. As far as I know, R Seckbach does not certify the lallemand anymore
    If anyone knows a Kosher for Passover yeast (any!!) I would love to know

  21. Does anyone know any the Imperial yeast? I received it in a kit, and it contains malt extract. Thanks.

    1. Imperial to the best of my knowledge does not have an kosher certification. Considering its a live yeast and "fed" a malt extract and nutrients of perhaps unknown brand/origin, it might be best not to use.

  22. Important to note, you can find fermetis' certificates here: https://www.castlemalting.com/CastleMaltingCertificates.asp?Language=English
    However, they haven't had certification on yeast since 2020.

  23. Great info. Thank you for the update. I wonder if they actually lost certification or if they simply didn't publish the LOC on their website.
