Well I finally took the jump/challenge. I brewed my first lager. Oktoberfest is a traditional German style lager. It is always brewed as a lager and as a typical homebrewer, I do not have a dedicated refrigerator to use for lagering to keep the temp's down in the 45-50 degree range needed for lagering. Luckily, being that it is winter time, I have a room in my basement that isn't heated and the temps are right in the range for lagering. YEAH!! So the brew is now in primary fermentation and we have to wait and see how the first lager experiment works out.
UPDATE: 04/29/15
Well the verdict is in, after a LONG aging process in my basement over 3 month at around 40 degrees, I finally bottled my first lager. After a one week conditioning period, the initial verdict is so-so. The Oktoberfest pours a dark brown color and has a dark malty backbone, which is typical of this style. My only concern is the carbonation level is pretty low. I am almost certain that with time, this beer will only get better. therefore..I will let it condition some more and give it another shot.
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